Online Therapy for Trauma

A healing journey

Online therapy for trauma: How does it work and for who?

Something very distressing has happened to you, but you aren’t able to find a counsellor or therapist nearby who can help you heal, or perhaps the idea of being physically in a room with others is simply too difficult at the moment. If this sounds like you, it may be worth considering online therapy for trauma.

Online counselling for trauma may be an effective approach for many people who have suffered. It can help with immediate symptoms of trauma such as anxiety, increased isolation from others, anger, irritation, flashbacks, intrusive / unwanted thoughts and poor sleep (which can make all the other symptoms worse). It also helps address the underpinning issues which causes these symptoms to be experienced.  Evidence suggests online counselling can be as effective as face-to-face work, given the right fit between client and therapist.

How does online therapy for trauma work?

There are different approaches for working with trauma online. One is a talking focus approach, in which the client and Online Therapy for traumatherapist meet regularly for several weeks, months or longer. This approach may well start with some basic exercises and skills to help manage symptoms, such as grounding and the creation of safe spaces (both in the world and in our own mind). Then, very gently and at your own pace, we would begin to explore what happened to you, what it meant then and now, and how to move on from it. This can involve a variety of methods, but the key aim is to work with you safely and at a pace which you can handle.

These forms of techniques are especially helpful for people who have a long history of multiple trauma (such as ongoing abuse). You can learn more about my approach to therapy here.

The Rewind technique for trauma

An alternative approach I use with suitable clients is the rewind technique. This technique (which has recently been supported by evidence from a randomised controlled trial) uses a carefully constructed method of imagining viewing the events from an outside perspective (as if on a film) and then ‘rewinding’ them to help achieve closure. A key benefit is that, in rewind therapy for trauma, you do not need to verbalise or disclose to anyone the event in question.

Rewind logoIn my experience working with the technique, it is best suited to trauma linked to single events, such as car accidents, witnessing or being involved in accidents or violence, or single occasion sexual assaults. You can learn more about the Rewind technique here. This form of online therapy for trauma can be very fast acting, with symptom reduction being seen in days in many cases.

Is online therapy for trauma right for me?

Online counselling offers relative convenience and additional privacy. If home is a place which feels safe for you, online therapy for trauma has the advantage of you being in that familiar space to face the difficult issues which you want to resolve. However, it does move some responsibilities of therapy to you. You need to have the opportunity for a private, undisturbed space. You also need to make a commitment to ‘turn-off’ other activities (such as work) while you are in session, and make space for a return to the ‘everyday’ once the sessions has finished – unlike face to face work, there is no walk or drive to another destination to allow this to take place naturally.

If you are comfortable speaking online and can ‘manage the space’ and the transitions into and out of the counselling session, online therapy may be suitable. If not, there are lots of face-to-face options available.

How can I find out more?

Therapy for anything is a commitment – in terms of resources such as time and money, but also emotionally. You should take time to speak with a few different counsellors / therapists to find someone you are confident in. I offer a free call (on phone or via video) which lets us get to know each other a little to see if online therapy for trauma  would be helpful.

If you would like to explore this further, please simply reach out via the form below.


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